Sunday, April 10, 2011

Nathan, Jordan, Park

This past week we celebrated some 'first's'. Nathan decided one cold morning that he was going "somewhere" and put his shoes on all by himself. He was so proud that he did it, even though he put them on the wrong feet. It was so cute to see how proud he was, so we didn't even mention they were on the wrong feet and he wore them that way for a good part of our morning.

Yesterday I was feeding Jordan his bottle on the couch and I hear Nathan scream with excitement from his room, "Mommy, I built the tracks. Come play tracks with me." I ran over and was so excited to see that he put all his tracks together and they looked pretty good too! He was so proud, so we got the camera out and I made a big deal out of it. He was so excited he looked in his closet mirror and kept saying, "I did it!"What a big boy we have now!

Jordan had some "first's" as well. It may seems silly but to a mom we have to count all first's, so Jordan went from a crawl position to sitting up! He is not crawling yet but has begun to get on all fours and can crawl I guess that is something right? I also gave him some table food the other night, broccoli and mac n' cheese...he loved it! No teeth yet but he enjoys food!! Oh, how could I forget...he has discovered clapping his hands together.  So fun to see him change everyday....can't believe my baby is 8 months!

Steve left Friday and comes home Thursday! He left back home to take his clinical portion of his boards, so we are all alone for a week! I have been trying to keep busy but it gets hard since the weather has been cold and everything around here is so expensive! Yesterday we woke up to fog that broke into beautiful sun and blue skies! I took the kids to the park at noon and they had a blast! Nathan loves to just run and see how many "friends" he can find. I love to sit back and watch him with the kids...he is like his daddy and not afraid to strike up a conversation and make new friends.  Jordan got to swing for the first time yesterday. I didn't push him too high since it was kinda cold but he loved just sitting in the swing hanging there. Nathan thought it was pretty cool that he was doing big boy things.

My mom and dad sent the boys their Easter cards and they both loved them.


  1. Beautiful family!!! Plus, they are super buena onda!!! ;)

  2. I love that you are blogging again!!!! Good job mama!!!!!! You have the cutest kids, I cant wait to be there and be able to hang out!!! xoxo
