Sunday, June 28, 2009


Yesterday we took Nathan to church and like always it was communion!!! Not that I don't enjoy communion, but just a "normal" Sabbath sermon would be nice for a change. Every time we have gone to church at my parents, it has been communion, funny I guess. Anyways, so after church we took Nathan to eat at our families favorite spot to eat after church...Lunas in down town Clovis. He loved it, and loved the alfredo AND grandpa's eggplant. He is such a good eater; we are very lucky!

We came home from eating and Nathan went for a little swim, in his personal pool (no one else can fit anyways). He splashed and played for hours...well it seemed like hours since it was soooooo HOT outside. My mom and I watched him, while I made a few bows (I started making bows, and baby things). So after the splashing, we went for a drive to Lake Millerton to check out the lake and boats. Nathan slept the whole way and woke up as we were driving home, so it was a nice little drive.

I had a craving to get some good old fashion take-and-bake pizza and make popcorn. So we got some pizza and make popcorn with lot's of was so good and hit the spot. It reminded me of when we were kids, it was a "typical" Saturday night.

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